Семь миллиардов долгов просто спишут. Инвестируют в город 1.7 миллиарда. Тем кто ждет пенсии от города урежут содержание как будт-то бы именно эти граждане годами воровали и разоряли городскую казну.
Detroit bankruptcy ends as judge OKs restructuring plan
A federal judge today approved Detroit's restructuring plan, effectively ending the nation's largest-ever municipal bankruptcy.
The plan was approved by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Steven Rhodes, the Associated Press reported.
The blueprint is designed to lead the Motor City out of decades of financial woes, trim more than one-third of the city's long-term debt and create a financial control board to oversee city actions in the coming years.
The bankruptcy plan eliminates about $7 billion in debt from the city’s books while reinvesting $1.7 billion in neglected city services. City pension holders will see some cuts.